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Friday, April 6, 2012

The Magic of Attitude... \o/

My life is directly proportional to attitude, the longer I live, more I realize the impact of attitude in my life. At anytime, we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way (the change of inevitable is impossible!!) The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have and that is our attitude.

Attitude --???  --THE STATUS FIXING BEHAVIOUR !??! 

Attitude of a person depends mainly on personal experience or learning through observation from the environment. Some mistake personality of a person as attitude, which is not the case. There is a “thick” line of difference between them. As unlike personality, attitudes are expected to change on day to day basis by gathering of experience. So, is the reason that why experienced people are “bigheaded”?!?!? –it is their attitude (demonstration of gaining something in life).  

Scientifically, I have read that attitudes are part of the human brain’s associative networks which are nothing but the spider like structures residing in the long term memory that consists of affective and emotion nodes. Through these change of attitude is also possible and if the change happens then that is a perfect example of a response of communication done to any person through some kind of persuasion or interpersonal attraction. This is how biologically “attitudes” nothing but the dynamic element in human behavior works!!

Attitude- Mentally & Physically

It is our mental attitude which makes the world what is for us, acting or re-acting to a situation showcases a person’s hidden attitude, I have used the word ‘hidden’ because situation makes a person to react, which is completely unpredicted and ultimately brings out the true colour of that person even if he was ‘mocking’ with his artificial behavior earlier. Learning to see things in proper lights can make our attitudes shine better in a positive way.

Attitude is not restricted to mental stage of a person; this mainly applies to the body arrangement or structure for communicative or expressive purpose. Showing of attitudes in fine art , the posture or gesture by a dancer, singer or any artist depicts attitude or their style. Be it Rajinikanth from India or Jackie Chan from China, both have their own styles.

Attitude in Sports??

The way you do anything is the way you do everything…

Here is an instance, how attitude works in sports?

During the training session, a coach made all the athletes to sit together and asked them to perform a simple task-making a paper plane and gave them a time span of five minutes and asked them to perform the given task. Some of them folded the paper so that it looks roughly like the demonstration version and some folded the paper so that it is identical in most ways to the demonstration version but with small variations in the shape and size of the folds here and there. Out of all, only one athlete ensured that every fold was even and smooth. They will make it certain that both sides of the plane are balanced and symmetrical. He also put in some extra folds on the wing to try and make a more advanced design. And that’s the attitude one should aim to foster- The attitude to do every task, regardless of its nature-- to the best of their own ability.. As the task given by the coach to the athletes ,who represent their countries, was immaterial for their personal growth but still that was taken seriously by one person-that’s the kind of attitude to be developed in order to excel. In this case, where the other athletes have asked themselves “Can I do this?” or “How can I do this?” one athlete has asked “How can I do this well and maybe even do it better than expected.” The athlete has challenged him/herself and been motivated to complete a relatively simple task to the best of his ability.

Attitude in workplace?

Jobs and relationships may come and go but attitude should be counted as our life time companion. It is just as “we cannot take a vacation from ourself!”

The people in workplace can be distributed in either one of the boxes (types) of attitudes.
1.       Neutral Attitudes.
They are nothing but spectators, very safe players, stop their work with observing others and avoid any changes or risks. Show hesitant.

2.       Negative Attitudes.
Critics… They try to find fault in others through imposing their experience or egoistic nature. They often appear frustrated or pessimistic. If someone says, "I hate working on this project." represents a negative attitude of that person towards the project. He either thinks so, or he believes that this work is boring.

3.       Positive Attitudes.
They are the actual players of life. Takes risk and willing to make mistakes and also enjoys learning. They are usually confident and optimistic at the same time it is very rare to find people having these traits. If some one says, "I like dancing.", it represents positive thinking towards dancing. This attitude is formed because he believes that he likes dancing, or feels happy while dancing.

At the end the organisational structure of a company/business/workplace is figured out as under; most of them come under the 1st category (75%- Staffs), who is ruled by the 2nd category (20%-Supervisors/Managers), taking control of both is the 3rd category (5%-Owner/Chairman) which is the rare category but special category (who have got the right attitude).

How attitudes of Men and Women differ ??? Men like the Moon & Women like the Sun!!

The natural behavior of men varies according to their mood during a certain period of time or at a certain point of time like the moon which changes from full to half moon, new moon, waning moon or waxing moon, that’s why regarded as distinct object. Women conduct themselves thinking like the star that is the center of attraction. Pass on their magic of charm like the rays and also at times of rail against ( show anger, hatred or sulkiness), like the heat waves of the sun.

I would say an attitude of a man/woman can be referred for his/her approach, outlook, manner, position, feelings, thoughts, mind-set, and way of thinking/behavior, opinion/view point, and posture/gesture. Driving all positive has got the right attitude and the target in life is also hit. At the end, a person with the right attitude can create a history (of his name/fame) before he kicks the bucket. And that is the one’s “Magic of Attitude”!!

I would like to leave you with a famous quote by Winston Churchill which speaks volumes about positive attitude in a single line that you can ponder upon--Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

Yes, even I have got attitude!
 I’m not always right, but I’m never wrong.