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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hearing "mind" through "heart" !!

I believe that kindness is from each one’s “heart”!! When one makes the correct ruling between the “Mind” and the “Heart”, that’s it, and then the success is all his in the coming future!!

I deem that what is essential is always invisible to our EYES; only with the HEART can one see rightly. Indian Army, a paradigm, where the chief of the squad before any operation, gently touching his hand to his heart and advices the soldiers, that “THIS IS WHAT YOU MUST NOT MISS”. This indicates that we may have all manner of material success in life, but unless our heart is fulfilled, we have nothing. I have even read that when someone dies in ancient Egypt, the priests removed the bodily organs they considered unimportant and saved the organs they believed sacred. The Egyptians used to discard the brains but kept the heart. They believed that the seat of true wisdom was not mind, but the heart.

The power of heart goes far beyond feelings and emotions, in the heart lay great wisdom and peace. Certainly, the rational process is important, but it must be tempered with intuitive understanding. On some level, we remember that our heart contains the essence of “who we are”, and we should always practice consulting our heart before speaking or acting. This way we can find the most valuable guide to take right action.

I reckon that heart can also be used as equipment in hearing our own mind. That’s why I guess why we have two ears and one mouth…. We are supposed to listen twice as much as we talk. The speakers are instructed to express what they feel in their heart, and the listeners are instructed to listen without interrupting, giving advice, or telling their own story. Often the listeners benefit more from the exercise than the speakers. We must consider listening with our heart and hear our self (just like recording our voice and replaying). We must also believe in “throwing our heart over the fence and the rest will follow”. When our heart is really strong about something, there comes a point when we just close our eyes and go for it. In fact, I suppose people in mental institutions are not crazy, but just more sensitive than most people in the society. These people can be in an institution, which is a safe place-similar to an ashram or monastery-where they can be who they are without having to adapt to a society that is in many ways more insane than actually they are. Our primary responsibility is hearing of our own mind through heart. People in the institutions have only their hearts with them and people let loose in the society only have their minds with them… ultimately, a heart without mind is chaotic, and the mind without heart is a tyrant. Thus, our primary responsibility of using both heart and mind is incomplete.

 Challenges can be faced effectively only by stimulating through appropriate decision as to our
 “reasoning mind” and “desiring heart”.

Each of us must realize that, “I am here for “something” and what is that”?? We should have a purpose in life, and having it should throw into work such strength of mind. First of all, one needs to think as to what dream he has in his life? If we have unlimited time, money and support then what would we love to be doing?? We need to take a moment to explore our soul, and unearth our secret fantasy.

As I would like to put it across this way as, “man needs a little madness”, or else he never dares cut the rope and be free.  “Can I do this?” I many times doubted myself. An inner voice replied, “Don’t think about it-JUST DO IT!!” and please don’t mistake me as I am not suggesting that you do anything foolish or something that would be injurious to you. Here is when the place of knowingness inside “about oneself” (self-judgment) is always giving us a good advice. When our mind is in a quandary and our heart says, “Yes”, follow your heart. We should use our mind to empower us and not to limit. At sometimes, we need to break free of the tyranny of over thinking and become as a little kid, by assuming ourselves that we know very little basic things, even when we actually know more!

My personal opinion is that we must employ all the worldly wisdom available, which means using our “reasoning mind”, but when we want to know the significant truth, return back to our heart.