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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

7ven Dia<>s to be Molded

What actually happens in a job and in life?

There is more to success in life than just brilliance and intelligence of a high order. Clearly, there is an added luster attached to those who maintain their value system and yet make a success of what they do. Such people are held in esteem by those around them and emerge as their role models. 

One needs to know how to gently and skillfully handle criticism, anger, jealously, limelight, success, power, failure, fear and other emotions. 

The character and the attitudes required to reach the top of one’s profession and stay there and achieve the pinnacle of happiness, however, are the same, no matter which profession you choose to pursue. 

Now lets take a look at each diamonds and come to a conclusion on molding each one.

Diamond 1: Courage

Courage is required in all walks of life. It is the integral virtue of truly successful people. Unilateral decision making is necessary in the case of heading or working in a team which requires courage to dictate the decision at the time of crisis without thinking much about the outcome and keeping in mind only the mission to the success for the objective the team is shedding out.

Lets a take a courage lesson from Ratan Tata’s decision to make a car for an ordinary person at a cost of about Rs 1, 50,000 was truly a courageous decision. When Nano, a genuinely Indian innovation, was launched it revolutionized the small car market. It made them affordable for a much larger section of society by increasing the efficiency of small cars. Most business decisions which require innovative products to be developed involve courageous decisions by entrepreneurs. 

Molding of courage: Decision Making

Diamond 2 : Humility

Humility is the least understood quality for achieving success. The best inspiration for such a quality is Nelson Mandela. It was said that Mandela never expects any kind of leader like treatment. He freely circulated among all. One such example is even if he turns late to dinner at times, nobody waited for him and starts to have theirs, he just joins them with all humility. This humility of his was said to have helped him win some favours from the warders and co-prisoners when he spent years behind bars.

Superficially, humility might not appear to be a quality which can bring worldly success, it doesn’t appear sexy enough. The Companies which had made into Fortune 500, which made the grade from ‘Good to Great’ through the decades were none other than, who’s CEOs were extremely humble people. They were driven by high ambition for the growth of their companies and not for their personal growth. By all yardsticks, they have achieved worldly success, not in spite of their humility but because of it.

Molding of Humility: Earning Respect
Diamond 3: Integrity 

This is to be maintained when no one is actually watching you. Despite an integrity crisis prevailing in India, I believe that there are a very large number of bureaucrats, officials and politicians who are very honest. However, no matter how strong the Lokpal Bill is, it cannot prevent corruption unless integrity becomes part of our character and DNA and people are afraid of breaking the law. This has got lot more deep explanations but as the topic says business, I will stick only to this much.

Molding of integrity : Cultivates Restraint and Discretion
Diamond 4: Goodness  

Retaining a sense of proportion is as important as keeping the heart free from hatred. To react in the right proportion at the right time and to the right person in the right way is a sign of magnanimity and wisdom. It is to make the choice to respond with their own principles and value system at any crucial circumstances rather than their mood or anger. That does not mean being submissive, which are being misunderstood by a few. Best portrayal for this character would be one such incident of Sir Isaac Newton. Once when he returned home, he found to his horror that his pet dog, Diamond, had hit the candle which had fallen on his research papers, which caught fire. However, he recovered soon, took Diamond in his lap and fondled her and whispered, “You do not know what you have done.” Could the kindness get even bigger?!

Molding of goodness: Magnanimous heart at human skills and leadership
Diamond 5: Friendship 

This is very simple. It does not seek favours. It is content in the joy of giving and yet receives in the very act of giving. If we can be sincere friends, we are bound to reap the rich rewards of friendship and loyalty.

Molding of friendship : Loyalty and Gratitude

Diamond 6: Full potential 

Keep in mind that much of the innovation and new ideas come from the intersection of various science and arts. As what the late Steve Jobs of apple famously said.”Stay foolish, stay hungry”.  Be ready at all times to learn and apply such learning to find solutions to the problems of the day. What can prepare us to face life better than the habit of trying to achieve our full potential at all times?

Molding of Full potential : Alertness
Diamond 7: Secret of Happiness 

Swami Vivekanand has said that it paid not to be selfish, though most people didn’t have the patience to practice unselfishness. The less self-centered, self-obsessed and selfish we are, the happier we become.

Molding of happiness : Find your own unique path to Happiness
Selecting the best alternative

Never jump at the only alternative presented to you, ask for more alternatives to decide which one to choose.

Learn to solve problems'

Diagnose and treat the root causes of the problem instead of the symptoms. Attend to the few most important causes first. It will solve the problem and address the core issues in minimum time. Application of 80:20 principle will help in solving many problems without wasting much time and resources, as 20% of the events are responsible for about 80% of the results in all social phenomenon.

Lastly, be socially engaged, mentally occupied, physically active and spiritually alive and live your life in crescendo at all stages of your life.

Wish you good luck for your journey through the thick and thin of life.
Get ahead of the pack.