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Saturday, June 18, 2016

Break the Stereotype

Have you ever felt like you were just not good enough? That somehow everyone had received the handbook for life, except you? Do you keep waiting for the moment when you will finally arrive and feel like you have made it?

Try being comfortable in one’s skin and just saying no to the offers that makes you a stereotype will certainly make you an inspiration for the rest.

Life doesn’t always start tomorrow or when you are ready, it’s happening now and RIGHT NOW…
What you do defines you and there is no need of killing yourself to impress others.

First of all, are you aware of what you want in life? If the answer is yes, you have got it all... as there are no options to the above question. It’s always “Yes” and it’s just that one has to find out if they don’t “know”.

There cannot be any perfectly set path for an aspire filled person, it’s just his curiosity and passion makes him achieve great stuffs. There we break the stereotype.

No set of rules is stated to live your precious life and for the sake of world cribbing behind your back. There we come out by breaking the stereotype.

Happiness of living your life to your own content breaks the stereotype within you as many don’t understand that happiness depends on doing things “we” like and not “others” like in us.

Be unpredictable. No one should be able to predict you and judge your moves at any point of time and if this is achieved, you have broken the stereotype with in you and what others think of you. But don’t confuse between being odd or rebel and breaking the stereotype. Both are at different ends. Being rebel or odd is doing exactly what others don’t do or don’t want you to do but breaking stereotypes are simply just “Being yourself”.
What makes us love Rajinikanth, Harry Potter, Jackie Chan or most action movies? Why do we always cheer for the good/ hero type guys? Why do we love a good story of challenge, perseverance and triumph? Why makes these stories timeless?

The story of the hero has not changed for thousands of years. Since ancient times our traditions and culture venerate the myth of the hero on a mission. A hero leaves his or her home, faces challenges, triumphs and usually returns home as a changed man or woman. These stories also portray the heroes breaking the stereotype within them to make them great.

Be the Hero of your life. Break the stereotype.