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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lend a "Caring" hand..

I have great regards for the people who can "give" without "remembering" and "take" without "forgetting". Those are the people who are called as a real helpers.

Life has its own way of shining on people who stand in the sunshine of kind actions. It has to come from heart with a true spirit of giving and selflessness. Whatever talent we have got is nothing , unless it is also used for the benefit of other people. Even if we are so proud about our talent, one day it might even work against us.

Complete Happiness!

The greatest joys I have found in my life is from my quite hopes and being a helping hand, sometimes like a shadow or sometimes like the root of the tree. Ultimately, the tree bears greatest fruits only when it is nurtured by caring hands. It is the same for people..try to give some change in the life of others by bringing in positive energy into them which will in turn boosts us with the happiness which we can never get from anything else in the world. I will also bet that there is no great happiness than this.

Feeling helpless??

It doesn't matter!
If you have not been served personally by any caring hands in your own life, do not bitter, but instead, ask yourself who you can now serve the way you would have loved to be. If you have had some tough times in life, now more than ever it is the time to make someone else's life better.
This is out of my experience, that reject the role of "victim" and become the "healer" and "teacher".
It has got us to realise something huge in life that how we treat other people not only changes their life but also more than that it changes US.
Through this we receive an important part of our own identity.

Real Success.

All of us think that success is winning over others, but that is not the case,according to me it has nothing in accomplishing for yourself, it so matters what you do for others.
We should remember one thing in life that none of us have reached this level solely by ourselves, it was always that someone had willingly bent down to help us. I would always like to be the bent one who helps as it gives me the real success in life.

Kind of help required...
All over the world there are lot of helping centers and other trusts and so on. It all has its name and also they do a great job. There are some people who are socially active to lend help to people who are in need. But these are mostly for the poor people, helping them with money.. but I feel it is more than that they require more of LOVE and CARING rather than MONEY...

But be it a rich or poor.. having a concern over others is the best help one person can do to the other in this current scenario of the world..that itself is a GREAT HELP...More than "helping" it is best to call a "caring" hand.

Look up and not down.
Look forward and not backward.
Look out and not in.
And, Lend your hand to seek change people for the better and have your existence proved by the raised hands of the people you have served, who will say without doubt that you have cared.