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Sunday, March 18, 2012


A little house sits in the tree's,       
across from the mountains,
I'm lost in serenity,
as my soul tries to breath…
White clouds moving at a snail’s pace,
the breeze blowing in a relaxed manner,
and when the memories stream pass me, my eyes starts to swell… and tears drip slowly down my cheeks,
Always my thoughts lay printed on sheets of paper, stored in the drawer of my mind (manner in which it is organized, neat and nothing out of place)
They can’t be touched by outsiders and I’m the only one with the keys to this drawer!!
the wind puff wipes my tear drops dry and
gives me some peace…as my heart begins to nurse back to health.
Alone in the sunset, I watch it go down,
when I finally realize, WHAT peace I have found ??? 

This kind of situation is faced by each one of us at least once in our life time..
It is because SoMeTiMes…
1.       We see things that aren’t meant to be seen..
2.       Things aren’t the same always as they seem..
3.       We need someone to call our own..
4.       People just can’t understand us as we are..
5.       When things get out of hand and life just isn’t fair..
6.       When it’s hard to say anything to anyone..
7.       When dreams continue to die, it’s all we can do to get by..

Most important one is that sometimes the “hardest” thing and the “right” thing is the same.

Totally unpredictable, life can push us over when we are down or even hit us when we try to get up… but definitely everything is not going to beat us. things keep on changing but we should get to chose which one will let us change.

 What is the solution??
We should think that “We are who we are, smart as a fox;
                                     why confine ourself ,to a bleak little box?
                                     We are who we are, smart as a fox;
                                     expressing ourself, we are out of that box!”
Roll the dice,play a new game,life for us, will never be the same,no looking back,no aspect of time, we now have
A new mountain to climb- So just Get-Up-And-Go...
Always push the limits,
Bend the rules,
And enjoy every minute of it..
Laugh at everything, :D
Live for as long as you can,
Love all, believe in yourself.

We can make this world a beautiful place if we toss away frowns :/
and put smiles on our face :):)
So just Get-Up-And-Go...