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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Invisible sTyLe of Leadership...

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any!!
Many of us take the jobs we have for granted and fail to appreciate all the positive aspects they contain.
We wish for something better rather than realizing that often everything we are actually searching for exactly lies where we are. We just need to look a little deeper, to try a little harder and to lead a little better.

NEVER PLAY VICTIM”:- It’s impossible to build a tribute to success on a foundation of excuses. As we all know that “great people construct monuments with the stones their critics throw at them”.

Whether “title” to a person brings him power???
It does but the problem with the type of power they bring in is that if the title gets taken away, the power too is lost.
It’s obvious that every one of us does not need a title to do the following on a routine basis:
a) The power to go to work each day and express the absolute best within us.
b) The power to inspire, influence and elevate each person we meet by the gift of a great example.
c) To passionately drive positive change in the face of negative conditions.

Characteristics which portraits an Invisible leader without a title:
a) Innovation
We live in a world called “Remake Nation”. We have stopped flexing our imaginations; have dropped our lust for creativity and our drive to be different. Just look at all the remakes of old movies or outdated songs and we will realize the situation. People are just too scared to be original these days, so they try to repackage a formula that was successful a few decades ago, with the hope of staying safe.
A true leader should constantly flex their minds and elevate their abilities by consistently asking within them as to on “What can I improve today??” The best way I can define “innovation” is it’s a creative mastery in making today better that yesterday.

b) Mastery
Committing our self to mastery at what we do. If we want people to adore us or worship the very ground we stand on then this can be made possible only by being staggeringly good at what we do. This is the only standard that will get us there in the standard of Mastery. I even remember reading that the space shuttle uses more fuel during its first three minutes after liftoff than during its entire voyage around the earth. The same way, the first step truly is always the hardest as we are fighting on the forces of gravity of our old thinking and habits. So anything new scares us and sets our internal systems into varying degrees of confusion and chaos. But we can’t reach mastery unless we are always willing to take action to move things forward.

c) Authenticity
It is about being true to who we are, even when everyone around us wants us to be someone else. There is always a huge pull to behave like the majority. But leadership really is about closing our ears to the noisy voices of others so that we can more clearly hear the mission and call within us.

d) Guts
We have to dare more than the reasonable person and risk far more than the ordinary man. We all should be superb in some form or another and have the capacity of character to keep going when everyone around us are ready to give up.

e) Communication
 We can say whatever we want so long as we say it with respect. We can speak with candor and express all we really want to convey to anyone so long its language in a way that’s respectful and also allows the listener to protect his self worth. The best leaders in their every interaction try to remind people of their best and inspire people to be better.

f) Kudos
It is just that people need to be appreciated for even the small things that they do in the face of adverse and stressful times. We should try to be one of those rare individuals who encourages the efforts of others, who look for what’s good in people. Most people thing that leadership is about correcting and criticizing others when they are doing things wrong. But, real leadership has so much do with applauding others when they are doing things right.

g) Helpfulness
Always do more than what we are paid or supposed to do. This explains clearly.

h) Understanding
Speak less and listen more. For most of us our egos are screaming so loudly we have no ears to hear what anyone else is saying. Leadership is about listening and allowing others to be feel heard.

These are significant qualities to be nursed into us to become a leader.

If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets so well that all people on earth will pause to say that “here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well”. I am just trying to convey that there exists leadership in this work too and it is not restricted only to the executives. The sweeper can come up with a million reasons to be discouraged, dissatisfied, and disengaged with his job. He may even complain that he is just a cleaner and all that he does every day is sweep the streets or rooms of rich people but here is where the freedom plays the role, where each one of us have freedom to choose how we view our roles in the world and also the power we have got to make positive decisions in whatever conditions we happen to find ourselves.

Here is where I need to introduce the word, commitment, which alone will work wonders for anyone to be a very happy person in life. Each of us can make the decision to love the work we do and perform it so well that people can’t take their eyes off us. Living in this way will give us so much energy and make us feel so good about ourselves.