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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lend a "Caring" hand..

I have great regards for the people who can "give" without "remembering" and "take" without "forgetting". Those are the people who are called as a real helpers.

Life has its own way of shining on people who stand in the sunshine of kind actions. It has to come from heart with a true spirit of giving and selflessness. Whatever talent we have got is nothing , unless it is also used for the benefit of other people. Even if we are so proud about our talent, one day it might even work against us.

Complete Happiness!

The greatest joys I have found in my life is from my quite hopes and being a helping hand, sometimes like a shadow or sometimes like the root of the tree. Ultimately, the tree bears greatest fruits only when it is nurtured by caring hands. It is the same for people..try to give some change in the life of others by bringing in positive energy into them which will in turn boosts us with the happiness which we can never get from anything else in the world. I will also bet that there is no great happiness than this.

Feeling helpless??

It doesn't matter!
If you have not been served personally by any caring hands in your own life, do not bitter, but instead, ask yourself who you can now serve the way you would have loved to be. If you have had some tough times in life, now more than ever it is the time to make someone else's life better.
This is out of my experience, that reject the role of "victim" and become the "healer" and "teacher".
It has got us to realise something huge in life that how we treat other people not only changes their life but also more than that it changes US.
Through this we receive an important part of our own identity.

Real Success.

All of us think that success is winning over others, but that is not the case,according to me it has nothing in accomplishing for yourself, it so matters what you do for others.
We should remember one thing in life that none of us have reached this level solely by ourselves, it was always that someone had willingly bent down to help us. I would always like to be the bent one who helps as it gives me the real success in life.

Kind of help required...
All over the world there are lot of helping centers and other trusts and so on. It all has its name and also they do a great job. There are some people who are socially active to lend help to people who are in need. But these are mostly for the poor people, helping them with money.. but I feel it is more than that they require more of LOVE and CARING rather than MONEY...

But be it a rich or poor.. having a concern over others is the best help one person can do to the other in this current scenario of the world..that itself is a GREAT HELP...More than "helping" it is best to call a "caring" hand.

Look up and not down.
Look forward and not backward.
Look out and not in.
And, Lend your hand to seek change people for the better and have your existence proved by the raised hands of the people you have served, who will say without doubt that you have cared.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Never miss a chance to shut up!

Need of the hour - Silence!!!

It is the time for refreshment; try to be still so we might not miss this new joy.
How sweet is the sound of silence?!
How tender is its touch?!
How fragrant is its breathing?!
How lovely is its form?!
I feel these have to be experienced to thoroughly enjoy it.

A seed in the womb of the mother earth lies in silence absorbing nourishment, until its expanded soul bursts forth into blossom. It means that the spirit of genius waits patiently its appointed hour of awakening.

Whenever we are listening to fine music if someone speaks or makes a noise we are distracted, and jarred by it and often we lose the subtle beauty of the music. The same is applicable for silence too. We can easily see its technical reason, how it aids us in the act of concentration.

One of the first forms of discipline the neophytes (beginners) have to undergo is the practice of silence. They must never speak before their teachers unless they are asked to do so. The necessity of this is felt in our education. Unless the mind is receptive, any amount of time expended in study is of very little avail.

Maria Mountessori, in her system of education advocates this idea of silence.
She came to conclusion that the children’s spontaneous activity in this environment revealed an internal program of development and provides opportunities for it to proceed and flourish. This mode of living and thinking, however, is quite out of fashion with our modern life and habit. There are some who feel a strong aversion to it and this is because they confuse the idea of silence with dullness and inaction.

What is the aim of silence?

It is not to free our mind from thought and assume a state of emptiness and passivity. On the contrary, silence becomes a definite factor for our efficient and concentrated thought.
We can even connect this parallel with machinery; that which avoids friction most makes the least noise and endures the longest.

Bringing out the genius within YOU.

If we do not try to keep the minds of children altogether occupied with the artificial toys and noisy games, they will work and invent newer ones and their quickening of the inner faculties is the gist of true education. So, this is one of the most interesting phenomenon that takes place in connection with the practice of silence is that the mind evolves creative genius.

Emotional aspect!
There are two categories of people; one who imagines that they cannot be happy unless they are constantly in the company of others and other one is who think that they must get away from everything and everybody in order to have peace of mind. What exactly I mean by silence is not getting away from the crowd, nor breaking away from the noisy part of life. It requires something more than running away from people. We may even enter the unrevealed paths and yet we may not find silence in our mind, when it’s actually noisy.

Problem solving

Another mind and another brain cannot think out our problem, because it does not know the entire situation. We cannot give a true picture to any one no matter how close they are to us. There is, however, a way of finding our own solution and that is by our learning to enter within our own depth.

Eternal Silence..
Silence when I am walking, 
When I think, 
It fills this hollow world and is the better choice to make.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happiness- Dig within.

Looking at the world today, we might easily forget that the main purpose of our life- you could call it the heart of being human – is to be HAPPY…All of us share the same wish, and the same right, to seek happiness and avoid suffering. But often we confuse ourselves the happiness with the state of being pleasure for the moment. We look to experiences or material possessions to bring us satisfaction. We should remember one thing that sense of pleasure is never long lasting. To quote some simple examples like having a sumptuous meal, it might delight for a while but it does not lead to a deeper happiness. Let’s not even talk about relationships, which are typically fraught with ups and downs and are, by their very nature very nature impermanent. So, we can easily eliminate the word “pleasure” from the meaning of “true happiness”. Pleasure brings the most sufferings in its wake.

How does true happiness comes about?
There are many ways we can train our mind in happiness like choosing loving thoughts, words and actions. The more we cultivate love, compassion, joy and impartiality, the more we will be a vibrant source of happiness for others and ourselves too. When we are in touch with our true nature, our innermost essence of joy naturally arises.

Most of us are not even aware of our innermost essence!
We think thoughts and emotions are the real self but they are simply like clouds passing by in the open, clear space of our original mind. Sometimes the clouds are white and puffy and sometimes stormy, but they are never permanent nor are our true essence. All sufferings arise just by confusing the clouds for sky and holding on them ever so tightly.

Seeing happiness in the other person’s eyes is the true love, same way, knowing that the reason behind the other person’s happiness is because of us gives the true happiness for us.

Happiness is a Journey…
It’s a continuous search for more and more happiness because we never suffice ourselves. How to maximize our potential to be happy? The answer to this can only be “Make the best mask you can and put a big smiley face over your pain”      

Roadmap to happiness…
Love yourselves no matter what happens.
There is no defect or deficiency in us that prevents us from being happy. However, there are some false beliefs that needs to be challenged and hurts that needs to be healed, so that we can open our hearts fully to love and to live.

When the mind goes beyond the thought of “Me” … then there is a possibility of incorruptible happiness…

Saturday, May 5, 2012

See Perfection...

It is the time of the year to believe in the perfection around us.

I have been nearsighted since many years. The moment I wake up each day, I have to reach for my eyeglasses and will take them off only when I closed my eyes to sleep and I am very uncomfortable to stay without it for even a short period of time.Recently, I came across a book on metaphysics, which stated that physical changes stem from inner decisions we make and “vision” is related to our willingness (or resistance) to see what is happening in our life.So, I have decided to test that theory and shift my attitude to see all things as perfect.

 When I say “perfection” I was of the opinion that it means a rigid, specific standard we meet with no mistakes. Now, my definition is much broader, it is choosing our perception of what is around us, whether it is error-free or NOT!
It’s hard sometimes to see the perfection when we’re struggling for and we’re more focused on what is NOT working than what IS.  We then get more of what we’re focused on, so it is very important to instead find what is working! 

“Perfection”- A disease?

“Perfection" infects every corner of society. It infects our schools, neighborhoods, workplaces. This is not to say that there aren't a lot of genuinely, happy people. There is nothing more beautiful than a person finding true happiness in who they are and what they believe. No, this is not me trying to diminish the happiness in others. This is merely me pathetically attempting to put a face on a problem that I see everywhere but few people ever notice.

In this life, certain actions can be perfected. A baseball pitcher can throw a no-hit, no-run ball game. A surgeon can perform an operation without an error (he have too ;) ). A musician can render a selection without a mistake. One can likewise achieve perfection in being punctual, keeping the Word of Wisdom, and so on. the enormous effort required to attain such self- mastery is rewarded with a deep sense of satisfaction. More importantly, spiritual attainments in morality accompany us into eternity. This does not mean that these people never made mistakes or never had need of correction. The process of perfection includes challenges to overcome and steps to repentance that may be very painful.

Nothing is as perfect as it seems.

We should remember that “I see perfection, and I see perfectly.”!
 That is Perfection as it is...

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Magic of Attitude... \o/

My life is directly proportional to attitude, the longer I live, more I realize the impact of attitude in my life. At anytime, we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way (the change of inevitable is impossible!!) The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have and that is our attitude.

Attitude --???  --THE STATUS FIXING BEHAVIOUR !??! 

Attitude of a person depends mainly on personal experience or learning through observation from the environment. Some mistake personality of a person as attitude, which is not the case. There is a “thick” line of difference between them. As unlike personality, attitudes are expected to change on day to day basis by gathering of experience. So, is the reason that why experienced people are “bigheaded”?!?!? –it is their attitude (demonstration of gaining something in life).  

Scientifically, I have read that attitudes are part of the human brain’s associative networks which are nothing but the spider like structures residing in the long term memory that consists of affective and emotion nodes. Through these change of attitude is also possible and if the change happens then that is a perfect example of a response of communication done to any person through some kind of persuasion or interpersonal attraction. This is how biologically “attitudes” nothing but the dynamic element in human behavior works!!

Attitude- Mentally & Physically

It is our mental attitude which makes the world what is for us, acting or re-acting to a situation showcases a person’s hidden attitude, I have used the word ‘hidden’ because situation makes a person to react, which is completely unpredicted and ultimately brings out the true colour of that person even if he was ‘mocking’ with his artificial behavior earlier. Learning to see things in proper lights can make our attitudes shine better in a positive way.

Attitude is not restricted to mental stage of a person; this mainly applies to the body arrangement or structure for communicative or expressive purpose. Showing of attitudes in fine art , the posture or gesture by a dancer, singer or any artist depicts attitude or their style. Be it Rajinikanth from India or Jackie Chan from China, both have their own styles.

Attitude in Sports??

The way you do anything is the way you do everything…

Here is an instance, how attitude works in sports?

During the training session, a coach made all the athletes to sit together and asked them to perform a simple task-making a paper plane and gave them a time span of five minutes and asked them to perform the given task. Some of them folded the paper so that it looks roughly like the demonstration version and some folded the paper so that it is identical in most ways to the demonstration version but with small variations in the shape and size of the folds here and there. Out of all, only one athlete ensured that every fold was even and smooth. They will make it certain that both sides of the plane are balanced and symmetrical. He also put in some extra folds on the wing to try and make a more advanced design. And that’s the attitude one should aim to foster- The attitude to do every task, regardless of its nature-- to the best of their own ability.. As the task given by the coach to the athletes ,who represent their countries, was immaterial for their personal growth but still that was taken seriously by one person-that’s the kind of attitude to be developed in order to excel. In this case, where the other athletes have asked themselves “Can I do this?” or “How can I do this?” one athlete has asked “How can I do this well and maybe even do it better than expected.” The athlete has challenged him/herself and been motivated to complete a relatively simple task to the best of his ability.

Attitude in workplace?

Jobs and relationships may come and go but attitude should be counted as our life time companion. It is just as “we cannot take a vacation from ourself!”

The people in workplace can be distributed in either one of the boxes (types) of attitudes.
1.       Neutral Attitudes.
They are nothing but spectators, very safe players, stop their work with observing others and avoid any changes or risks. Show hesitant.

2.       Negative Attitudes.
Critics… They try to find fault in others through imposing their experience or egoistic nature. They often appear frustrated or pessimistic. If someone says, "I hate working on this project." represents a negative attitude of that person towards the project. He either thinks so, or he believes that this work is boring.

3.       Positive Attitudes.
They are the actual players of life. Takes risk and willing to make mistakes and also enjoys learning. They are usually confident and optimistic at the same time it is very rare to find people having these traits. If some one says, "I like dancing.", it represents positive thinking towards dancing. This attitude is formed because he believes that he likes dancing, or feels happy while dancing.

At the end the organisational structure of a company/business/workplace is figured out as under; most of them come under the 1st category (75%- Staffs), who is ruled by the 2nd category (20%-Supervisors/Managers), taking control of both is the 3rd category (5%-Owner/Chairman) which is the rare category but special category (who have got the right attitude).

How attitudes of Men and Women differ ??? Men like the Moon & Women like the Sun!!

The natural behavior of men varies according to their mood during a certain period of time or at a certain point of time like the moon which changes from full to half moon, new moon, waning moon or waxing moon, that’s why regarded as distinct object. Women conduct themselves thinking like the star that is the center of attraction. Pass on their magic of charm like the rays and also at times of rail against ( show anger, hatred or sulkiness), like the heat waves of the sun.

I would say an attitude of a man/woman can be referred for his/her approach, outlook, manner, position, feelings, thoughts, mind-set, and way of thinking/behavior, opinion/view point, and posture/gesture. Driving all positive has got the right attitude and the target in life is also hit. At the end, a person with the right attitude can create a history (of his name/fame) before he kicks the bucket. And that is the one’s “Magic of Attitude”!!

I would like to leave you with a famous quote by Winston Churchill which speaks volumes about positive attitude in a single line that you can ponder upon--Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

Yes, even I have got attitude!
 I’m not always right, but I’m never wrong. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012


A little house sits in the tree's,       
across from the mountains,
I'm lost in serenity,
as my soul tries to breath…
White clouds moving at a snail’s pace,
the breeze blowing in a relaxed manner,
and when the memories stream pass me, my eyes starts to swell… and tears drip slowly down my cheeks,
Always my thoughts lay printed on sheets of paper, stored in the drawer of my mind (manner in which it is organized, neat and nothing out of place)
They can’t be touched by outsiders and I’m the only one with the keys to this drawer!!
the wind puff wipes my tear drops dry and
gives me some peace…as my heart begins to nurse back to health.
Alone in the sunset, I watch it go down,
when I finally realize, WHAT peace I have found ??? 

This kind of situation is faced by each one of us at least once in our life time..
It is because SoMeTiMes…
1.       We see things that aren’t meant to be seen..
2.       Things aren’t the same always as they seem..
3.       We need someone to call our own..
4.       People just can’t understand us as we are..
5.       When things get out of hand and life just isn’t fair..
6.       When it’s hard to say anything to anyone..
7.       When dreams continue to die, it’s all we can do to get by..

Most important one is that sometimes the “hardest” thing and the “right” thing is the same.

Totally unpredictable, life can push us over when we are down or even hit us when we try to get up… but definitely everything is not going to beat us. things keep on changing but we should get to chose which one will let us change.

 What is the solution??
We should think that “We are who we are, smart as a fox;
                                     why confine ourself ,to a bleak little box?
                                     We are who we are, smart as a fox;
                                     expressing ourself, we are out of that box!”
Roll the dice,play a new game,life for us, will never be the same,no looking back,no aspect of time, we now have
A new mountain to climb- So just Get-Up-And-Go...
Always push the limits,
Bend the rules,
And enjoy every minute of it..
Laugh at everything, :D
Live for as long as you can,
Love all, believe in yourself.

We can make this world a beautiful place if we toss away frowns :/
and put smiles on our face :):)
So just Get-Up-And-Go... 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Invisible sTyLe of Leadership...

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any!!
Many of us take the jobs we have for granted and fail to appreciate all the positive aspects they contain.
We wish for something better rather than realizing that often everything we are actually searching for exactly lies where we are. We just need to look a little deeper, to try a little harder and to lead a little better.

NEVER PLAY VICTIM”:- It’s impossible to build a tribute to success on a foundation of excuses. As we all know that “great people construct monuments with the stones their critics throw at them”.

Whether “title” to a person brings him power???
It does but the problem with the type of power they bring in is that if the title gets taken away, the power too is lost.
It’s obvious that every one of us does not need a title to do the following on a routine basis:
a) The power to go to work each day and express the absolute best within us.
b) The power to inspire, influence and elevate each person we meet by the gift of a great example.
c) To passionately drive positive change in the face of negative conditions.

Characteristics which portraits an Invisible leader without a title:
a) Innovation
We live in a world called “Remake Nation”. We have stopped flexing our imaginations; have dropped our lust for creativity and our drive to be different. Just look at all the remakes of old movies or outdated songs and we will realize the situation. People are just too scared to be original these days, so they try to repackage a formula that was successful a few decades ago, with the hope of staying safe.
A true leader should constantly flex their minds and elevate their abilities by consistently asking within them as to on “What can I improve today??” The best way I can define “innovation” is it’s a creative mastery in making today better that yesterday.

b) Mastery
Committing our self to mastery at what we do. If we want people to adore us or worship the very ground we stand on then this can be made possible only by being staggeringly good at what we do. This is the only standard that will get us there in the standard of Mastery. I even remember reading that the space shuttle uses more fuel during its first three minutes after liftoff than during its entire voyage around the earth. The same way, the first step truly is always the hardest as we are fighting on the forces of gravity of our old thinking and habits. So anything new scares us and sets our internal systems into varying degrees of confusion and chaos. But we can’t reach mastery unless we are always willing to take action to move things forward.

c) Authenticity
It is about being true to who we are, even when everyone around us wants us to be someone else. There is always a huge pull to behave like the majority. But leadership really is about closing our ears to the noisy voices of others so that we can more clearly hear the mission and call within us.

d) Guts
We have to dare more than the reasonable person and risk far more than the ordinary man. We all should be superb in some form or another and have the capacity of character to keep going when everyone around us are ready to give up.

e) Communication
 We can say whatever we want so long as we say it with respect. We can speak with candor and express all we really want to convey to anyone so long its language in a way that’s respectful and also allows the listener to protect his self worth. The best leaders in their every interaction try to remind people of their best and inspire people to be better.

f) Kudos
It is just that people need to be appreciated for even the small things that they do in the face of adverse and stressful times. We should try to be one of those rare individuals who encourages the efforts of others, who look for what’s good in people. Most people thing that leadership is about correcting and criticizing others when they are doing things wrong. But, real leadership has so much do with applauding others when they are doing things right.

g) Helpfulness
Always do more than what we are paid or supposed to do. This explains clearly.

h) Understanding
Speak less and listen more. For most of us our egos are screaming so loudly we have no ears to hear what anyone else is saying. Leadership is about listening and allowing others to be feel heard.

These are significant qualities to be nursed into us to become a leader.

If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets so well that all people on earth will pause to say that “here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well”. I am just trying to convey that there exists leadership in this work too and it is not restricted only to the executives. The sweeper can come up with a million reasons to be discouraged, dissatisfied, and disengaged with his job. He may even complain that he is just a cleaner and all that he does every day is sweep the streets or rooms of rich people but here is where the freedom plays the role, where each one of us have freedom to choose how we view our roles in the world and also the power we have got to make positive decisions in whatever conditions we happen to find ourselves.

Here is where I need to introduce the word, commitment, which alone will work wonders for anyone to be a very happy person in life. Each of us can make the decision to love the work we do and perform it so well that people can’t take their eyes off us. Living in this way will give us so much energy and make us feel so good about ourselves. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hearing "mind" through "heart" !!

I believe that kindness is from each one’s “heart”!! When one makes the correct ruling between the “Mind” and the “Heart”, that’s it, and then the success is all his in the coming future!!

I deem that what is essential is always invisible to our EYES; only with the HEART can one see rightly. Indian Army, a paradigm, where the chief of the squad before any operation, gently touching his hand to his heart and advices the soldiers, that “THIS IS WHAT YOU MUST NOT MISS”. This indicates that we may have all manner of material success in life, but unless our heart is fulfilled, we have nothing. I have even read that when someone dies in ancient Egypt, the priests removed the bodily organs they considered unimportant and saved the organs they believed sacred. The Egyptians used to discard the brains but kept the heart. They believed that the seat of true wisdom was not mind, but the heart.

The power of heart goes far beyond feelings and emotions, in the heart lay great wisdom and peace. Certainly, the rational process is important, but it must be tempered with intuitive understanding. On some level, we remember that our heart contains the essence of “who we are”, and we should always practice consulting our heart before speaking or acting. This way we can find the most valuable guide to take right action.

I reckon that heart can also be used as equipment in hearing our own mind. That’s why I guess why we have two ears and one mouth…. We are supposed to listen twice as much as we talk. The speakers are instructed to express what they feel in their heart, and the listeners are instructed to listen without interrupting, giving advice, or telling their own story. Often the listeners benefit more from the exercise than the speakers. We must consider listening with our heart and hear our self (just like recording our voice and replaying). We must also believe in “throwing our heart over the fence and the rest will follow”. When our heart is really strong about something, there comes a point when we just close our eyes and go for it. In fact, I suppose people in mental institutions are not crazy, but just more sensitive than most people in the society. These people can be in an institution, which is a safe place-similar to an ashram or monastery-where they can be who they are without having to adapt to a society that is in many ways more insane than actually they are. Our primary responsibility is hearing of our own mind through heart. People in the institutions have only their hearts with them and people let loose in the society only have their minds with them… ultimately, a heart without mind is chaotic, and the mind without heart is a tyrant. Thus, our primary responsibility of using both heart and mind is incomplete.

 Challenges can be faced effectively only by stimulating through appropriate decision as to our
 “reasoning mind” and “desiring heart”.

Each of us must realize that, “I am here for “something” and what is that”?? We should have a purpose in life, and having it should throw into work such strength of mind. First of all, one needs to think as to what dream he has in his life? If we have unlimited time, money and support then what would we love to be doing?? We need to take a moment to explore our soul, and unearth our secret fantasy.

As I would like to put it across this way as, “man needs a little madness”, or else he never dares cut the rope and be free.  “Can I do this?” I many times doubted myself. An inner voice replied, “Don’t think about it-JUST DO IT!!” and please don’t mistake me as I am not suggesting that you do anything foolish or something that would be injurious to you. Here is when the place of knowingness inside “about oneself” (self-judgment) is always giving us a good advice. When our mind is in a quandary and our heart says, “Yes”, follow your heart. We should use our mind to empower us and not to limit. At sometimes, we need to break free of the tyranny of over thinking and become as a little kid, by assuming ourselves that we know very little basic things, even when we actually know more!

My personal opinion is that we must employ all the worldly wisdom available, which means using our “reasoning mind”, but when we want to know the significant truth, return back to our heart.